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Printing Industry

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Printing Industry
Printing Industry

Gum arabic has been used in printing industry for a long time.
Gum arabic is weak acid and water-soluvle, so it is used as one of the raw materials of Solution Fountain.Gum arabic can protect the roller and the layout of non seal part to prevent dirt production, and prolong the time of wetting layout.
Gum arabic solution usually can be used in printed sheet because of its good film forming property. It can protect the layout to use it in the future. The usage method of gum arabic solution is coating by hand or adding into plate machine.


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Hallgen Mobile: 86-15215389523 Tel: 86-0538-8886886

Address: Shijia Jiezhuang Village, Shanggao Sub-district Office, Taishan District, Tai 'an city, Shandong Province, China

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